Saturday, January 29, 2011

Thoughts From This Day

I have many random bits {swirling} in my ponytailed head today. Here are just a few.

Is there anything cuter than a two-year-old running around in underpants? If it's a two-year-old in boxer briefs, you bet! :)

I almost made it through my day out with the kids without somebody telling me that I "have my hands full". {The kids were behaving beautifully at the time also...} Does having four children automatically qualify me for having full hands? I honestly feel that four {for us} is no harder than three was. Moms of "many", any thoughts?

I adore going to the library with my kiddos. There's just something about them getting so excited about finding the perfect book for the week's school lesson or read-aloud time that makes me feel so proud inside. I always think how wonderful it would be to be able to keep all the {20-30} new library books we check out each time. Just think how our at-home library would grow! I am thankful for the books we do have, though. What a blessing!

I feel so "caught-up" and accomplished at home if my laundry is {mostly} done, the kitchen is clean, and the playroom is tidy with everything in its place. If one of those three things is off, so am I.

How is it that I feel I have more patience lately? Does patience multiply {like love} with each new baby? In a way, it doesn't make sense to me. Yet in a way, it makes perfect sense.

My wonderful, cute bloggy friend Lenae is so, so close to meeting her fourth little blessing. {and first girl!} She's having an online baby shower this weekend. How wonderful the blogging community can be, huh!? For goodness sakes, you can not only have a good friend {whom I've never even met} through blogging, but a baby shower too!?

We've found out where we'll be moving to next for Mark's Phase II residency! Can you believe that we only have 4 1/2 months left in Texas!? Surreal. Any guesses as to what state will soon be our new stomping grounds? {Those that know, no cheating!}

That's it for now. Have a blessed weekend! Oh, and by the way... What's on your mind? :)



Lenae said...

My in-laws bought the big boys boxer briefs for Christmas and I agree- they are so stinking cute! (Too bad they hate wearing them!)

I feel "caught up" if those three areas are clean in my house too... They're so integral to everyday life running smoothly that if they're tidy, everything is just EASIER.

Thanks for playing along with my online baby shower! It's been so much fun so far! :D

Anonymous said...

This morning Benjamin was wearing a knitted sweater and matching cap (that's all), and it was pretty cute!

More babies = More patience. Agreed.

Going from 6 to 7 children has been the hardest for me. I think mostly because the 3 youngest boys were 14 months apart...then 17 months apart. I prefer 2 1/2 years apart. Which is what will probably happen this time. Gotta love breastfeeding.

I try to have my laundry finished daily. Monday as laundry day makes me laugh. Kitchen needs to be room needs to be tidy. And *clean* bathrooms. to visit Leanae's link!

Moving? Alaska? Washington. I'm clueless....oh! Hawaii!

Marla Grace said...

I love this!The comments one gets when out in public!I really can not go anywhere without looks, and comments.

I agree more patience come with more Children.They are all beautiful by the way!

Bridgett said...

We enjoy & look forward to our library time too!

I prefer the tables cleared & cleaned, the living room picked up and the kitchen straight. These things ensure that our day goes on. I feel when I wake up and the kitchen isn't cleaned and the school and dining tables are cluttered we just don't transition from breakfast to school well or from school to lunch, etc.

I understand about "having your hands full" comments. :) I get them a lot and I have 3! I do feel more patient and mine & my husband's discipline has changed sooo much from our first!

GiGi said...

I totally understand the 3 cleaning rooms.. Im the same way... Its my kitchen and living room...

Where are you moving?? Hopefully somewhere in the south???? LOL

GiGi said...

Residency??? Really?? My "area" has a remarkable teaching hospital so its very likely we WILL be neighbors... I commented back on my post =)

bwolfrum said...

Hello to the Bishops! loved your comment on patients multiplying -your such a great momma! best of luck on your move. our guess...hopefuly ohio!;)

Chris Brown said...

Hmm, new state? Illinois or PA? Maine or Mississippi? Washington or Wisconsin? So many to choose from.

FilledToTheBrim - Kate said...

Just wanted to say hey! Hope you had a great week!

GiGi said...

Oh your baby is getting SOOO big and precious. Isn't it so sad how quickly they grow. Miss ya xoxox

Anonymous said...

Hi Kate (where are you???)

...just wanted to let you know that we are starting a MFW Homeschool Highlights link up in the coming weeks. If you're interested, stop by and let me know!

How is K going? I saw that around mid-January we were sort of on the 'same page' ...we're on 'Ee' Week right now (going slow, but having fun!)

:: Happy Homeschooling! ::

Mack homeschool said...

Love reading your blog. So happy to have found other homeschool moms. I have 3 great ones where I live but sometimes we fill like we are on an island, even though our state is not even close to an ocean......ahaahh Its funny how God really made women so similar, even down to house cleaning. Have a Blessed day!

Carrie said...

Kate, I have missed your blog updates and new pictures of your adorable family. I hope things are going well for you.

Thinking of you!