Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sooo Big!

Griffin is growing so fast!! It's hard to believe that he'll be {four} months next week. I thought the time to gush and gush about him here was way overdue, so here's an update!

G)rowing bigger... He just hit the 13lb mark over the last few days, having doubled his birth weight now.

R)olling over... Finn loves to roll from back to tummy now as of a couple weeks ago.

I)rresistible smile... I don't think this one got a dimple (other than his chin) from Mama and Daddy, but his smile is just as drool-worthy without!

F)inally a sleeper... After 3 naughty sleepers as babies, we now have a baby that sleeps up to 12hrs straight! Thank you, God!!!

F)ound his talking voice... He's a loud one too!

I)mmersed at birth... Finn was born under water at home and still loves his baths.

N)ever in a bad mood... Seriously, Griffin's such a wonderful, happy baby. What a little {angel} to add to our brood...

I also realize that I never got around to posting about my homebirth. It was amazing in every way, and we wouldn't have changed a thing. I'm still throwing around the idea of writing it out. Anybody interested??



Anonymous said...

Hi Katie! I just love reading your blog! It's so nice to get an update on everyone. :) We need to chat soon! It has been way too long! Talk soon! Annie

Marla Grace said...

He is sweet!It goes way too fast!

Carrie said...
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Carrie said...

What a cutie, Kate! Yes, I want to hear details about the home birth- so curious! By the way- Bryce is already 14 pounds at 2 months! Enjoy your little peanut!

FilledToTheBrim - Kate said...

Um...yes, we want to hear :)! He is such a cutie!!

Bridget said...

Yes!!!!!!!! I want to hear all about it! I love that you call him Finn so cute!

*Katy* said...

We would love to hear about the homebirth! And he is such a cute little boy :) (and I love his name!)

Anonymous said...

oh the time goes by so fast!! what a special, cute boy!!

Kristin said...

Please, please share your birth story! :-)

Lenae said...

Griffin is SO cute! I wanna squish him!

And yes, please share about your homebirth! I've been wondering... :D

Teresa said...

What a sweetie! Love his cute little dimple.
My first was my sleeper and spoiled me for the cat-nappers that came after. Oh, a good nights sleep makes all the difference, doesn't it?