~ Countdown 3 days until Mark drives his new-to-him car out of town to find us a house to make our home after moving. {I need to submit our final list of houses for him to see to the realtor tomorrow... Eek!}
~Mark is working his last 3 hours at work now. Wow. Surreal.
~ We're getting over another round of colds already this year. Does warm southern weather mean less sickness, I hope!? Please, anybody?
~ Brigham's cold turned into another double ear infection with an appearance by a bizarre "rash" that he gets when he has anything more than a cold. The doctor wants us to see an infectious disease specialist for the crazy looking spots that he gets. We might as well see a pediatric cardiologist for a small murmur that was detected at his "well-baby" check-up on Monday too. Oh, and don't forget those ear infections that have us starting to worry that he'll need something done with them in the future. BUT, his strep test was negative! :)
~Our 30-plus-foot long front gutter was ripped down by huge chunks of ice that crashed down late the night before a showing last weekend. The showing that we spent stressed hours cleaning and straightening and staging and driving only to have the potential buyers not even get out of the car, because the house was too close to the road for her baby. Our babies have fared just fine here under our watchful eyes...
~Another showing on Friday.... Will this be the last one before our home is vacant for showings?? I wonder what God's plan is for this house? Maybe this will be "the one"... It seems like it's been longer than four months.
~ I'm "sleeping like a baby" now that Brigham is sleeping 7:30 P.M. - 6:30 A.M. straight! ;)
~ Why am I still sleepy then sometimes?? It's the weather, I think... Again, here we come southern weather!!
~ We found a loving home for our dog, Bentley. We're good with this. I could be pet-free for a while, I think. And speaking of pets... The chickens now live across the tree line at the neighbors. We still need to take the kids to say goodbye, though.
~Our home has been buzzing with many, many visitors, both friends and family. We love all of the company and bittersweet last meetings at this home, but are excited to see you at the next! :)
~ I miss my bloggy friends. I really do. I need to make my way back to your thoughts and hopefully you to mine... Ah, feels good to be back for now, though....